Write a function that accepts an array of k linked lists as input, where the nodes in each list are arranged in ascending order.
Your task is to merge all the input lists into a single linked list, ensuring that all nodes remain in sorted ascending order, and return this combined result.
// Example 1: const lists1 = [ createList([1, 2, 4]), createList([1, 3, 5]), createList([3, 6]) ]; console.log(mergeKLists(lists1)); // Output: [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6] // Example 2: const lists2: ListNode[] = []; console.log(mergeKLists(lists2)); // Output: null // Example 3: const lists3 = [createList([])]; console.log(mergeKLists(lists3)); // Output: null