Given a rectangular island represented by a matrix heights
where heights[r][c]
represents the height above sea level at position (r,c).
The island is surrounded by:
Water flow rules:
Return all cells where water can flow to both oceans, represented as [row, col]
// Example 1: const heights1 = [ [4,2,7,3,4], [7,4,6,4,7], [6,3,5,3,6] ]; console.log(pacificAtlantic(heights1)); // Output: [[0,2],[0,4],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[2,0]] // Explanation: These cells can flow to both oceans // Example 2: const heights2 = [[1],[1]]; console.log(pacificAtlantic(heights2)); // Output: [[0,0],[1,0]] // Explanation: Both cells can flow to both oceans