What will be the order of the following code:
Promise.resolve(1) .then((val) => { console.log(val) return val + 1 }).then((val) => { console.log(val) }).then((val) => { console.log(val) return Promise.resolve(3) .then((val) => { console.log(val) }) }).then((val) => { console.log(val) return Promise.reject(4) }).catch((val) => { console.log(val) }).finally((val) => { console.log(val) return 10 }).then((val) => { console.log(val) })
1 2 undefined 3 undefined 4 undefined undefined
Here's why:
- First promise resolves with 12
- Second .then gets 1+1undefined
- Third .then gets undefined (since previous .then had no return)3
- From the nested Promise.resolve(3)undefined
- Next .then gets undefined (nested promise had no return)4
- From Promise.reject(4) caught in catchundefined
- From finally (finally always receives undefined)undefined
- Last .then gets undefined (finally's return value is ignored)Key points:
and its return value is ignored